Welcome to the first Tuesday's Top Tip!

Welcome to the first Tuesday's Top Tip!

Welcome! Do you sew professionally? As a hobby? Got a degree? It doesn't matter, you're never done learning.

We decided that each week we would bring you some of our tips and tricks to help with your projects. It may be about the perfect tool for the job, or maybe it's the best way we've found to make certain items or finish them off to perfection. 

Check in every Tuesday at 12:00 - perfect for a lunch time browse.

Week one!

Our trick for getting those perfect corners on your romper straps!

First, you're going to take your two pieces and place them right sides together and sew or overlock along the top edge.


Fold over the top edge that you've just sewn and sew/overlock down both side edges. 


Your strap should look like this, with three edges sewn/overlocked, leaving the bottom end open. Turn out the right way.


There you have it, beautiful sharp corners! I find gently poking the corners with a pointer (or a chopstick) can help if one is being a little stubborn.

Check out our Instagram for the video tutorial.

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