Tuesday's Top Tip!
Tuesday’s Top Tip - Week 4!
Spending hours trying to turn your straps the right way around? We have you covered! Make sure your chain from your overlocker is longer than the piece of material you’re...
Tuesday’s Top Tip - Week 4!
Spending hours trying to turn your straps the right way around? We have you covered! Make sure your chain from your overlocker is longer than the piece of material you’re...
Tuesday’s Top Top - Week 3!
This week, nesting seams! Let’s get straight into it… Place your fabric right sides facing. Your seams will need to be facing opposite directions for the best results. Fold the...
Tuesday’s Top Top - Week 3!
This week, nesting seams! Let’s get straight into it… Place your fabric right sides facing. Your seams will need to be facing opposite directions for the best results. Fold the...
Tuesday's Top Tip - Week 2!
Welcome back! This week we're talking you through our trick to un-pick your overlocked stitches. First, you're going to find the side of fabric that shows your needle threads and have this...
Tuesday's Top Tip - Week 2!
Welcome back! This week we're talking you through our trick to un-pick your overlocked stitches. First, you're going to find the side of fabric that shows your needle threads and have this...
Welcome to the first Tuesday's Top Tip!
Welcome! Do you sew professionally? As a hobby? Got a degree? It doesn't matter, you're never done learning. We decided that each week we would bring you some of our tips and...
Welcome to the first Tuesday's Top Tip!
Welcome! Do you sew professionally? As a hobby? Got a degree? It doesn't matter, you're never done learning. We decided that each week we would bring you some of our tips and...